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App: Piccing Updates

New Improvements and Website


Hi guys so a few weeks ago I was approached by the company Piccing to review their app, which I will link below, Then the Other day I had a email from them asking whether I would update you guys on the new improvements that they are making to the app. So I hope you enjoy this and lets get to it. :)

Reminder of what Piccing is:
For you guys that have not heard of Piccing it is a free App. so the first thing you need to do is download it and make a profile you can use Facebook or you Email address. You can search through a whole list of different categories from the homepage and if you find a picture you like you can ether picc it or mark it. You can also search for images in that search bar that interest you for example lipsticks, perfumes, hairstyles etc. You can also upload your own pictures using the camera or importing them, and you can do this by the App or their website.

New Website:
their brand new website aims to bring you a more user-friendly experience. By introducing new improvements they are able to make it easier for you to locate the things you want.

what you need to know:

  • You can still upload you own image from your mobile, tablet and computers library and straight from the websites. Now you need to drag and drop the "share it on piccing" bookmark to the bookmark bar.
  • When you upload a image from a website the little green icon has now been change to a pink heart icon.
  • Once you have uploaded a picture to your profile you can then select up to 5 items in the image that you want
  • Once you have given a description, chosen a category and colour of a item you can then find items that match your description and find where to buy them
  • Once you have selected the items that you would like to buy, you will be redirected to where you can buy the item you chose.

As you can see they are making a great deal of improvements, I really like this app, so I cant wait to see what it looks like when all the improvements are completed.

What you will be able to do in a few weeks:

  • Update you profile picture ( your current profile picture will be removed from the website)
  • You will be able to add your location and city 
  • You will be able to remove and delete pictures and update whenever you like
  • when following other people you will be able to select individual categories
All Piccing ask of you is that are patient while they complete their updates to the website, in the mean time don't forget to check out the Piccing App. If you have any question then you can contact Piccing on the following address   

When the website is complete with the improvements I will do another post telling you what changes I like best and what I think of the new website. Stay tuned for more posts :)




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